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Good Bacteria Foods – Benefits, Role and More

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Foods with good bacteria. Visualize a bustling city on a weekday morning, the sidewalks flooded with people whoosh to work or actions. Now, envision this at a microscopic level, and you will have an idea of what the microbiome looks like inside our body. It is made up of tons of microorganisms (also called Microbiota or microbes) of thousands of different kinds.

These include not only microbes but also fungi, parasites and viruses. In a healthy person, these “insects” peacefully coexist, most of which are found in the small and large intestines and throughout the body. The microbiome is even referred to as a supporting organ as it plays many vital roles in indorsing the proper daily functioning of the human body. Below we present ten of the most famous foods that cook cold, thanks to fungi and bacteria.

·       Bread

As old as civilisation, bread is one of the first essential products humans learn to make. It believes that at some point in our history, we observed that the crushed and accumulated grains of cereals swelled when they moistened due to the fermentation of starch sugars, and also how that swollen mass was tasty and digestible.

·       Yoghurt

The bacterial genera Lactobacillus, Streptococcus or Leuconostoc are mainly responsible for converting milk into yoghurt in all its variants. These bacterial groups are accountable for fermenting lactose, the sugar in milk, to convert it into lactic acid.

·       Olives

Mixed olives also cure through a malolactic or lactic fermentation that refines their flavour and softens their pulp. The culprit is fundamentally the bacterial species Lactobacillus pentosus.

·       Soy sauce

Soy sauce is one of the world’s oldest condiments and originated in China towards the end of the Zohu dynasty, about 300 BC. It is made with soybeans and roasted and broken wheat seeds fermented by the fungi Aspergillus oryzae and Aspergillus soyae.

·       Beer

It believe that in the past, beer made by soaking bread in water and letting it ferment by the fungus Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The pasty juice from this process was sipped through a straw and became a staple food in ancient Babylon.

·       Wines

As with bread, it believes humans accidentally discovered wine by having grapes accumulated, which burst under their weight, releasing a juice that settled in the lower parts, fermenting and giving rise to a tasty liquid with euphoric properties.

·       Cheeses

Cheeses are the other excellent dairy derivative in which fermentation bacteria are involved. The initial process is the same as for yoghurt. Still, as soon as the proteins precipitate, the whey is drained from the milk, and the paste preserves, preventing it from becoming too acidic and stopping fermentation.

·       Pickles

Although they not as well identify in our country, pickles are a staple food in many countries in northern and central Europe. For example, sauerkraut is essentially fermented cabbage by the bacteria Lactobacillus Plantarum and other similar bacteria. So, which breaks down the stiff consistency of its pulp, gives it a vinegary taste and, in turn, increases its preservation capacity by acidifying the medium where it is stored. Here in Spain, cut vegetables such as carrots, garlic or spring onions. Which use as appetisers, are still preserved by this method.


How Microbiota Benefits the Body

The Microbiota boosts the immune system, breaks down potentially toxic food compounds, and synthesises specific vitamins and amino acids, including vitamins B and K. For example, the critical enzymes needed to form vitamin B12 are found only in bacteria in plants and animals.

Large intestine. There, the Microbiota benefits break down these mixes with their digestive enzymes. The fermentation of incomprehensible fiber leads to the manufacture of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), which the body can use as a basis of nutrients but also play a vital role in muscle function and possibly in the deterrence of chronic diseases, including certain types of cancer and bowel disorders.

Clinical studies have shown that SCFAs may help treat ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, and antibiotic-associated diarrhea.

A healthy person’s Microbiota defends disease-causing creatures entering the body, such as drinking or eating dirty water or food.

The Role of Probiotics

If Microbiota is vital to our health, how can we ensure we have enough of them or the right kinds? You may be familiar with probiotics, or you may already be using them. These foods naturally contain Microbiota or supplements containing live active bacteria, advertised to support digestive health.

Sales of probiotic additions surpassed $35 billion in 2015, with a predictable increase to $65 billion by 2024. Whether you trust the health claims or think it’s just another snake oil scam. They are a multi-billion-dollar manufacturing Company with booming research.

Can Diet affect one’s Microbiota?

In addition to family genes, environment, and drug use, Diet plays a vital role in determining the type of Microbiota in the colon. All of these factors create a unique microbiome from person to person. A high-fibre diet affects, in particular, the intestines’ type and amount of Microbiota.

Dietary fiber can only be cracked down and fermented by enzymes from the Microbiota that live in the colon. Short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) are free from fermentation. So, it drops the pH of the colon, which in turn controls the type of microbiota current that would survive in this acidic environment. The lower pH limits the growth of some harmful bacteria, such as Clostridium difficile. Growing research on SCFAs voyages their overall health effects, including boosting immune cell activity and maintaining regular blood sugar and cholesterol stages.

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